Respiratory Assays
Respiratory CRO Services
Cellomatics Biosciences is a CRO offering well-validated preclinical in vitro respiratory models. We use resident airway cells (primary/cell lines) to support your drug discovery projects. Our assays are suitable for low to high throughput studies and are tailored to suit your project objectives. Explore the diagram below to see our range of respiratory CRO services.
Cellomatics offer a wide range of cell based in vitro models
■ Mono-cultures
o Primary Human bronchial epithelial cells undifferentiated/Air Liquid Interface differentiation
o Primary Human alveolar epithelial cells
o Primary Human airway smooth muscle cells
o Primary Human lung fibroblasts (HLF)
o Primary Human microvascular endothelial cells – lung (HMVEC-L)
o Immortalised Human Mast Cell Line HMC-1
o Immortalised bronchial epithelial cells – BEAS-2B
■ Co-cultures
o Human airway bronchial epithelial/smooth muscle/fibroblasts cells co-cultured with primary immune cells
Request more information
For a more in depth look at our respiratory expertise, click the button below to gain access to our Respiratory Hub with a detailed look at our data sets and offering.

Request a consultation with Cellomatics Biosciences today
Our experienced team of in vitro laboratory scientists will work with you to understand your project and provide a bespoke project plan with a professional, flexible service and a fast turnaround time.
To request a consultation where we can discuss your exact requirements, please contact Cellomatics Biosciences.